Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Million Dollar Bash!! 27th. Jan. 2007

The Introducing Guy will be hitting the big FIVE-OH-NO on the 25th. Jan. 2007 and to mark the occassion Calling Card have very kindly agreed to play at his Million Dollar Bash on 27th. Jan.
The bash is taking place at a secret location on Dublin's southside, but all Calling Card fans will be more than welcome.
Even if you are not a fan but would like the opportunity to see this great young band live you are very welcome.

If you are interested wee-mail

Transport home provided after the bash.

Now you can hear them here!!!!

Calling Card play Tatoo'd Lady at their first gig at the Ballyshannon '06 festival. This gig took place at the Bus Stop, outside Soprano's.